  (TR)IN(P)site, 53.01.6-55.08.6        III, AddNRev/50ASWW.html
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|        A D D I T I O N S   A N D   R E V I S I O N S         |
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|     50 years After the end of the Second World War           |
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|    _In December_                                             |
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| 3:  MERRY MYTHMAS or ~The Warlocks' Word Made Meat~          |
|     (chapter 4 of Six Warlocks My Age by Vinsent Nandi)      |
| 2:  Revisions in the 'TRINP' files                           |
|     (the first-level nodal files Tru.html, Rel.html,         |
|      Incl.html, Neu.html and Pers.html)                      |
| 1:  Addition of SWMA.html on the first level to keep access  |
|     to Six Warlocks My Age via old address.                  |
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|    _Until November_                                          |
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|     In the first few months of the existence of the InSite   |
|     homepage additions and revisions were not recorded       |
|     separately. The homepage was started on May 7th, 50      |
|     years After the Second World War, that is, 50.20.4.      |
|     Project InSite, however, was started much earlier: 48    |
|     years After the Second World War, in October. Before     |
|     50.20.4 the little information publicly accessible was   |
|     put in a so-called "finger file" to be reached by means  |
|     of the command 'finger in@xs4all.nl'. The present Main   |
|     Document was for a large part derived from that 'finger  |
|     file' as it had looked until then.                       |
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  | From here you are given immediate upward access to:      |
  | --  Additions and Revisions                              |
  | --  the main document (on level I)                       |
DNI Foundation, Amsterdam, Neth. in@xs4all.nl, www.xs4all.nl/~in