2.1.2 |
We have never defined what factor of distinction means
in terms of our ontological framework. In a strictly dichotomous
system a 'factor of distinction' is just the fact, possibility
or 'question' of having or not having a certain predicate.
But when we speak of factors like age and race as 'factors of
distinction', we do not think in strictly dichotomous terms, for
the question is here not one of having or not having a
particular, proper age or race predicate (let alone of having or not
having some predicate age or race). In this case the age
or race predicate may vary itself and may either be proper or
improper. Age predicates can be construed as
catenated predicates,
but the exact status of race predicates very much depends
on the definition of race in general and of belonging to a
certain race in particular. If factors exist where a distinction
can be made between having or not having a noncatenated,
proper predicate, or where
catenality exists, then
race seems to refer to a cluster of factors, rather than to a single
factor, even if one only reads "skin-color" (which is not more than a
reference to a part-attribute of the body). When we treat racism as a
singular exclusivism, rather than as a
plural one, the definition of singular can
therefore not be taken in too strict an ontological sense.
We are capable of exactly defining singular and factor
in our ontology, but in the case of the classification of exclusivisms
this does not appear to be necessary. For we are not so
much interested in what kind of major, irrelevant distinctions
are, or can be, made by people with an ontology like ours, but
also, and especially, by people with an entirely different
ontology. They may take it for granted that body and 'mind' are
two things existing side by side, and that a factor like race is
a single factor. As racists do indeed treat race as a single
factor, we shall treat racism as a singular exclusivism accordingly.
The same applies to all other seemingly singular exclusivisms
which may be plural in strictly
catenical terms.
A manifestation of exclusivism of which the object of exclusion or
exclusivity belongs to one particular field such as that of gender, age or
race, will be referred to here as a 'unitary (manifestation of)
exclusivism', if there is no other manifestation of the same
hierarchical level belonging to the same field. For example,
exism on the basis of gender (X.582.1) is a
unitary manifestation. Male exism (X.582.50) pertains to the same field,
but like female exism (X.582.51) it is of a lower level. Both male and
female exism are manifestations of gender-based exism themselves.
A combination of two or more unitary manifestations is a
'compositional (manifestation of) exclusivism'. Here the
object of exclusion or exclusivity does not belong to one
particular field, but to one of the fields of a particular
combination of fields. For example, interideological exclusivism
(X.156) is a compositional manifestation of which exism on the
basis of denominational doctrine adhered to (X.313), on the
basis of political ideology adhered to (X.625), and on the basis
of one or more gods believed in (X.10033) are lower-level
manifestations, some of them unitary, some of them compositional
If one arranged the world as a series of concentric
circles with each circle representing a sort of ingroup-outgroup
distinction, then the smallest circle would enclose the (human or
nonhuman) 'ingroup' which is the object of a unitary exism. By
widening the circle the 'ingroup' would become the object of a
compositional exism: the wider the circle, the higher the level
of exclusivism. The two or more distinct (types of) things or
matters which are the object of a compositional manifestation
may be very similar and always belong to a certain category
which unites them in view of a particular criterion. Because
they can exist independently, and are entirely formed into a
whole by themselves, both unitary and compositional manifestations
will be called "integral (manifestations of) exclusivism".
For example, both ego-centered exclusivism and speciesism are
integral exclusivisms.
section 1.2.2 of the previous chapter
we have already differentiated 'infrafactorial' and
'interfactorial exclusivisms'. In the case of the former exisms the
factor named is the factor of distinction, whereas in the case of the
latter the factor named is the object of exclusion or
exclusivity itself. An interfactorial exism has a different factor
from the infrafactorial one of the same name. Thus the factor of
distinction of infrafactorial racialism (X.597.1) is race, but
the factor of distinction of interfactorial racialism (X.597.0)
is not race, or not race in the same sense. If it is also race,
then the question whether the factor of distinction is race or
not. But the factor of distinction might also be another one
which distinguishes race from other factors. If so, then the
rac(e) in racialism denotes the object of
exclusivism, not the factor of distinction. This illustrates a feature of
the general nomenclature of exclusivisms, whether it concerns the nominal
or adjectival parts of their names. They refer either to:
- the factor of distinction, that is, the criterion of
subdivision (as in sexism and ideological
exclusivism), or to:
- the object of exclusion or exclusivity, that is, the
class or quality to which an unequal or disproportional value is
explicitly or implicitly attributed (as in androcentrism
and religionism).
One can distinguish an infrafactorial and an interfactorial
variant of every integral exclusivism. The interfactorial
variant can be treated as a unitary manifestation, but the
infrafactorial variant may be either unitary or compositional.
For example, the interfactorial variant of politico-ideological
exclusivism (X.625.0) pertains to situations in which the factor
political ideology itself is judged or treated as more, or as
less, important than other factors, while there are no (relevant)
reasons for doing so. The infrafactorial variant (X.625.1)
however, differentiates between people or their characteristics
themselves. Political ideology is, then, still too vague or
general a factor; and at least we should distinguish a political
doctrine which people may or may not espouse from a political
party they may or may not be a member of, or vote for. It is
then doctrine-related politico-ideological exism (X.1251) and
party-related politico-ideological exism (X.2501) which are the
unitary exisms concerned, and not politico-ideological exism
itself, even when infrafactorial.
As the criterion of subdivision changes for every unitary and
compositional level, the antithetical facet of inclusivity
changes accordingly. Hence, every other integral exclusivism is
antithetical to another facet of inclusivity. Just as every
lower-level integral exism is a manifestation of a higher-level
exism, so every lower-level facet of inclusivity is itself a
facet of a higher-level facet of inclusivity. Thus local exism
(X.1223) is a manifestation of (subnational) territorial exism
(X.611). In an analogous way supralocal inclusivity (N.1223) is
a facet of territorial inclusivity (N.611).
So far we have mainly discussed the formal features of the
classification of integral exclusivisms. In the other divisions
of this chapter we shall take a closer look at substantive
criterions for the subdivision of these exclusivisms.