3.4 |
3.4.1 |
Smart hedonists and eudaimonists of an antineutralist
complexion will already have argued that since the happiness-catena
is apparently a basic catena, the neutralist, at least
the active one, should strive for
nanhappiness and the minimization
not only of unhappiness but also of happiness. From a
neutralist point of view it is indeed obvious that not only
unhappiness can never be a perfective end in itself but
happiness not either, let alone an ultimate one. So far we can
agree with the hedonist and the eudaimonist on neutralism; and
so far we must reject the hedonist's and eudaimonist's own
doctrines, in which pleasure and happiness are believed to be
perfective ends. Yet, those who are even smarter than the
hedonist with
'er ultimate pleasure and the
eudaimonist with 'er ultimate happiness, realize that from the fact that
pleasure and happiness are not ultimate or perfective ends, it cannot be
inferred that the neutralist, or even the active neutralist,
must strive for nanhappiness. The suggestion that the position
of the happiness catena is not different from that of any other
basic catena, like the longitude catena, for instance, is a very
questionable one. For it is no coincidence that throughout
history happiness (but also indifference to pleasure and pain)
has been treated as an important value. Or, if not as a value,
the reward of all those who lived a virtuous life in terms of
the ideological or philosophical system of thought in question.
Thus before pronouncing ourselves upon the implications of the
norm of neutrality for happiness-catenals, it will be worth our
while to first take a closer, nonnormative look at the
happiness-catenal and 'er situation.
It may be assumed that the factors which determine a sentient
being's behavior also determine its
happiness-catenary, emotional
state. These factors are the totality of internal and
external stimuli, and it is these stimuli which constitute a
happiness-catenal's situation. This 'situation' must be
distinguished, however, from the catenal's 'condition'. (Of course, it
is not so much the terms situation and condition themselves
which count here.) A condition is a set of predicates
(propositional or nonpropositional) at a particular time and place,
regardless of whether and how the catenal in question experiences
them. A catenal's situation, on the other hand, only consists of
those predicates which have an impact on its behavior in a
psychological sense, or on its happiness-catenality in a catenical
sense. This notion of situation should not be understood too
narrowly: it does not only encompass 'objective reality' but all
stimuli, whether objective or subjective, measurable or immeasurable,
real or imaginary. A situational stimulus may thus
be a mere fantasy, while the sentient being concerned has the
idea that the stimulus comes from the object fancied. Furthermore,
it is of paramount importance that one realizes that the
situation of a catenal does not encompass changes in stimuli.
Changes in types of stimulus and changes in stimulus intensities
must be expressed in concepts like situational change.
Every situation will have numerous, if not innumerable,
aspects. Here we can confine ourselves to the catenical aspects
of situations. This means that every situation is negative,
neutral (or in practise probably
perineutral) or positive
for each aspect separately, and in its totality. In everyday
language, however, people usually only speak of "bad" and "good
situations". If not normative, terms like bad and good are
at least evaluative. Since we are particularly interested in the
relationship between situational catenality and happiness-catenality
the question therefore arises if bad does here,
perhaps, correspond to unhappy or accompanied by unhappiness
and good to happy or accompanied by happiness. A bad
situation would, then, be a situation in which the catenal is
unhappy, and a good situation one in which it is happy. At first
sight this proposition might not look like a bad guess but the
underlying presupposition is actually a very implausible one.
The presupposition in question is that the relationship between
happiness-catenary and situational catenality would be absolute
in that one particular happiness-catenary predicate corresponded
(albeit for each catenal individually) to one particular situational
predicate. This one particular situational predicate
would not be a degree of goodness (as goodness and badness are
only projected onto each separate, situational catena), but it
would be a predicate corresponding to a certain empirical or
psychological quantity. On the absolutist view the happiness-catenal
would thus have to become happier and happier by
increasing that quantity forever. Its happiness would become
infinite (or would at least continue to approximate a maximum
value) if one could manage to make this quantity infinite; and
not only that: its happiness would remain infinite so
long as the situation also remained the same.
Granted that happiness is a positive predicate, a 'good
situation' is on the absolutist view a positive situation (both
in the catenical and in an evaluative sense). A 'bad situation'
is, then, a negative one; and between these two there is
supposed to be some situation which is neither good nor bad,
that is, neutral or perineutral. Every original situational
catena would thus correspond to both an auxiliary goodness
series (an explicit triad with goodness as pseudopositivity) and
the happiness catena. Now, if the relationship between
happiness-catenary and situational catenality is taken to be
relative, happiness does not correspond with some positive or good
situation but rather with the improvement of the catenal's
situation. (Happiness is then not so much a question of having
something worthwhile, but of getting something worthwhile.)
Unhappiness is on this relative reckoning a feeling accompanying
a worsening of situation; and nanhappiness the indifference when
a situation does not change at all. The improvement cannot be an
'improvement' in the sense of maximization tho, for this would
mean that however intense an empirical or psychological stimulus
were, it would always be an improvement to make it even more
intense. If the relative conception is to be more plausible
than the absolute one, the improvement must be a situational
neutralization at least when solely considering negativity and
positivity as improper predicates and not all the individual
proper predicates constituting them. (If we took proper negativities
and positivities into account, the aspectual value could
lie anywhere between 0 and one of the extremes, but our and our
opponent's concern is, first of all, whether the aspectual value
should be 0 or extreme.)
If situational neutralization is improvement, accompanied by
happiness, and if one does want to speak of "a good situation",
this situation is nothing else than the neutral one. Since there
is usually (or always?) no sharp boundary between negative and
positive, situational catenality, this means in practise that
the perineutral situation is the good one. Bad is, then, any
situation which is (not perineutral and) negative or positive in
catenical terms. Every original situational catena corresponds
on this view to an auxiliary badness series (with badness as
pseudo-bipolarity) but not to a happiness catena. It is the
neutrality-differentiation or neutrality-differential catena of
the original situational catena which corresponds to the happiness
But how plausible is it that situational catenas are not
goodness but badness catenas with a good situation (or fuzzy
situational border) between negatively bad situations on the one
hand and positively bad ones on the other? We are not capable
here of calculating this plausibility, but the character of the
situational catena is definitely badness-catenary instead of
goodness-catenary in cases like the following:
- both far-sightedness and near-sightedness are instances
of a bad eyesight; as far as this aspect is concerned, having
good eyes is the limit case between far-sightedness and
near-sightedness; (no sentient being is happy simply because it has
good eyes; only being confronted with another being which has
bad eyes, or the possibility of having bad eyes, makes it happy,
when realizing that it has something more; becoming far- or
near-sighted makes it unhappy; being far- or near-sighted
makes unhappy when confronted with what it misses or with
situational deterioration in other respects as a result of bad
- healthy is the human or other sentient being which is
neither too light nor too heavy, neither too thin nor too
fat, neither too short nor too tall or long; perhaps, it is
impossible to say what the right weight, girth and height are
supposed to be, but 'everyone' agrees that there is both a
minimum below and a maximum above which every weight, girth or
height is not indicative of well-being anymore;
- for our comfort we reject a temperature and humidity which
are too low, and we reject a temperature and humidity which
are too high; when we talk about "nice weather", it is neither
too cold nor too hot and neither too dry nor too humid;
- the relationship of the fool (the person with an
abnormal lack of intelligence or talents) with 'er surroundings is
more difficult than normal, and so is the relationship of the
genius (the person with an abnormal intelligence or abnormal
talents) with 'er surroundings; the person who is neither a
fool nor a genius will have the least difficulty in adjusting
to the social milieu of 'er community or society, as far as this
aspect is concerned;
- a good public performance is not so much a question
of being completely free from tension but of properly regulating
one's tension; when a person has too little tension, energy and
concentration will be lacking, and 'er performance will be very
dull; when
'e has too much tension, 'e is
nervous and prone to forgetfulness and black-outs; when 'er level of
tension is neither too low nor too high, the performer is capable of
showing the right concentration and the right amount of
attention for 'er public; physiologically speaking, some arousal
is good but only to a certain degree or optimum; both below and
above this optimum the quality of a performance will be worse.
What favors the relative conception of the relationship
between situation and happiness-catenality too is the argument
from the possible function of happiness-catenality It is
reasonable to believe that sentient beings are happiness-catenal
in the first place because happiness and unhappiness are
situational signs. It seems hardly to make sense tho that
sentient beings should be reminded indefinitely of their having
good eyesight, of their having the right weight, girth and
height, of their suitable microclimate, and so on and so forth.
Instead, it is reasonable to suppose that they should be warned
of worsening situations only, and that they should be shown
the way to situations which are better only. Unhappiness is
then a sign of the deterioration, and happiness of the amelioration
of a catenal's situation as experienced. Granted that
this view is correct, the happiness catena itself is, as it
were, the litmus paper indicator of situational
neutrality-differentiation catenality: happiness is litmus paper
turned red in situations of improvement, whereas unhappiness is litmus
paper turned blue in situations of worsening. But this implies
that the happiness catena is in practise not a separate, basic
catena, and this implies that an individual's happiness is an
inherent indication of the very neutralization of this individual's
Now, it is easy to think of many instances in which an
individual's condition is not good, nor improving, but in which
such an individual is or feels happy nevertheless. Such instances,
however, are not counterexamples, because we have solely
been speaking about the catenal's situation that is, its
condition as experienced or felt by itself. This does not make
it impossible that by a general, objective standard the catenal's
condition is bad or deteriorating, altho the catenal does
not believe or feel so. To emphasize the general standard
instead is to emphasize not the catenal's own happiness but
something different altogether. This conflict does certainly not
exist when the catenal in question is a person who makes that
standard 'er own one, and who feels happy when something
improves in terms of that standard. Such a person is indeed
every doctrine's ideal adherent, if the general standard is the
doctrine's too; such a person is happy because 'e experiences
each major, known improvement in the light of 'er doctrine's
principle as an improvement of 'er own, personal situation.