The semantic theory of truth does not single out the
correspondence theory as the sole true one. It has been argued
that it does not rule out a pragmatist theory either, and
moreover, that also the redundancy theory could still hold.
According to this theory of truth true and false can be
eliminated from all contexts 'without semantic loss' or 'without
loss of logical content'. There would be no need for a
distinction between object- and metalanguage (or between propositional
levels) because it is true that p would not be about
the sentence p, but about what p refers to. (It is true that
water is transparent would be about transparent water, not
about water is transparent.) There are several specific
problems which the redundancy theory faces, and redundancy
theorists have not managed to eliminate true or implicit
notions of truth from all discourse. Attempts to solve the
problems of the redundancy theory have merely led to the
introduction of new concepts (like that of a 'prosentence') and
new words (like thatt) which can only be grasped if one is
already familiar with the meaning and/or use of true itself.
The foreknowledge which such approaches require make the problem
nonexistent and the solutions superfluous.
It is not hard to develop a kind of elimination theory of
truth which is both materially adequate and formally correct
(in that it acknowledges different language levels) and which is
applicable to common ('natural'), that is, nontechnical languages
as well. In one such theory truth is treated as a
condition of knowing, and truth is eliminated by introducing
the notion of 'meaning'. The problem is that it is logically
possible that p is true, whereas <p> is true in language
M is false. This difficulty is tackled by taking <p> means in
language M that p. This seems plausible, for is it not correct
that water is transparent means that water is transparent?
But one is then immediately struck by the remarkable similarity
with <water is transparent> is true iff water is
transparent. What happens is that in the accompanying analysis of
knowledge the concept of truth is first replaced by that of meaning, and
the concept of meaning then included in that of knowing. When
the first part of this procedure may not seem acceptable, it is
replied that the study of meaning in common language 'holds
promise of offering a satisfactory analysis of the concept'.
This may be true, but no guarantee is given whatsoever that the
analyses of meaning concerned do not make any use of, or in
any way refer to, truth or correspondence (for example, with the
same fact) or coherence. Truth is thus explained in terms of the
much more problematic, intensional notion of meaning. As it is
purported to be 'perfectly clear' that everyone knows that p
means that p if they know that p, truth can be easily eliminated
in the formulation of the truth condition of knowledge. But
unfortunately, if your neighbor has found out that you are a
human, it does not yet follow that 'e has found out that you
are an unfeathered biped means in language M that you are a
human. (And if human and unfeathered biped are not accepted
as synonyms, other such synonymies within or between languages
can certainly be thought of.)
A specific problem of redundancy- or elimination-theories of
truth is second-order quantification. Quantification is the
operation of binding variables by means of a quantifier such as
there is at least one or some (the 'existential quantifier')
and such as all or every (the 'universal quantifier').
First-order quantification is, then, the binding of individual
variables like in there is at least one x which is F (say,
there is at least one human being which is unfeathered ) and
like in all x-es are F (all human beings are unfeathered).
The objectual interpretation of quantification appeals to the
values of the variables which range over objects (like human
beings). The substitutional interpretation does not appeal to
the values but to the expressions which can be substituted for
the variables (like the expression human being for x in
all x-es are F). Second-order quantification is, now, the binding
of predicate variables themselves, that is, predicate letters
like F of which sentence letters are a limiting case (a 0-place
predicate letter). When it is said that there is at least one p
such that p is true (p being a sentential variable), this is
precisely a case of second-order quantification. This device is
indispensable where what is said to be true is not explicitly
given but only obliquely referred to. A well-formed formula is
also there is a p such that S means that p and (such that) p is
true, but elimination theorists want us to believe that there
is a p such that S means that p and p would be a well-formed
formula too. This formula, however, has been rightly criticized
for its last p which is a stray variable or name with not any
predicate expression to attach to it. To introduce a new rule
into the metalanguage in order to turn the problematic formula
instantly into a 'well-formed' one --as done by elimination
theorists-- is an ad hoc solution which is hardly convincing,
if at all.
It has been claimed that the correspondence- and coherence-theories
either must be rejected or can be reduced to the
elimination theory. The claim is based on an equivalence of
correspondence and meaning: 'S in L corresponds to the fact that
p iff S means that p in L and p'; and, similarly, of coherence
and meaning: 'S coheres with other sentences of L iff S means
that p in L and p'. But one may as well look at it the other way
around. One may then find that it is precisely because of these
equations that the elimination theorist's concept of meaning is
founded on correspondence with facts or coherence respectively,
and that 'er meaning therefore does not eliminate truth.
Meaning merely conceals truth and postpones the fundamental
philosophical questions. It has also been argued that not only
the coherence theory, but that neither the correspondence- nor
the coherence-theory would be a genuine theory of truth at all,
but merely a theory of epistemic justification. To say that, one
must understand verification in the sense of making true,
and not in the sense of determining or finding out or
justifying the claim to know. It is then that correspondence-
and coherence-theories would reduce to an elimination-theory.
The argument requires tho that the meaning of meaning be left
in complete obscurity.
In another attempt to do away with the apparent predicate
expression .. is true, truth is chiefly analyzed in an opaque
context, like in what A says is true. The central thesis of
this analysis is that, for example, A says that B has feathers
and B has feathers is a verifier of what A says is true. The
former position is then formulated as for some p, both A says
that p and p. The question is again whether this may be
accepted as a well-formed formula. Taking the substitutional
interpretation of this quantificational formula one would arrive
at some substitution instance of <both A says that p and p>
is true. Pure substitution will not do either for one would
have to read for some sentence, both A says that sentence and
sentence or for some B has feathers, both A says that .. both
of which are nonsensical for syntactical reasons. (Pure substitution
would only demand both A says that p and p without an
operator for some p.)
Interpreting for some p, both A says that p and p in the
objectual way will land us in a hopeless muddle as well. To show
this, we shall take a look at a few examples of existential
quantification. Firstly, an example of first-order quantification:
for some x, both .. is a friend of x and x is C's sib.
For some x is then for some person, for instance, and for
the other x's we must fill in an appropriate constant such as
the name of a person. Secondly, let us consider an example of
second-order quantification with a predicate letter as variable:
for some F, both .. is F and C's tunic is F. For some F is
now, say, for some color and for the other F's we should now
fill in the name of a color. Thirdly, consider a case of second-order
quantification with a sentence letter as variable: for
some p, both .. holds that p and A holds that p . For some p
is then for some sentence, but this means that we should fill
in for the other p's the name of a sentence, or for that matter,
a proposition. However, if p is the name of a sentence, then
A holds that p does not make sense, and it must be changed into
A holds p. For some bird or there is at least one bird
for which .. is intelligible, for some (particular bird) B is
not. Finally, let us look at for some p, both A's statement
states that p and p. Now, for some p is again for some
sentence, while A's statement reads "p". However, the conjunct
p as the name of a sentence without any predicate expression
like .. is true renders the conjunction meaningless, that is,
as meaningless as the conjunction B has feathers and C or C
and B has feathers.
The advocate of the 'simple' theory of truth assumes that
that is (always) logically insignificant and eliminable. Only
by assuming this does 'e manage to eliminate true, altho 'e
may admit that it is indeed plausible to hold that that
prefixed to a sentence turns it into a designation of a
sentence. From the third and fourth examples given above it
should be clear, however, that the function of that is of
paramount importance as it changes a sentence into the name of a
sentence. (That is, of the same importance as the difference
between a color and the name of a color.) If p is the name of a
sentence, A holds p is synonymous to A holds that q (and not
.. that p; p means that q or <q>). And
when a statement reads "p", this does not amount to the same as a statement
reading "that p". Altho that may be deleted in such cases in
the present language --the weather-person says (")it will rain(")
instead of .. that it will rain-- it should be a
warning that it is not permitted to just add that where it is
absent in similar cases. ('E says that "It will rain" is not
correct.) Single or double quotation marks and angle brackets
are often deleted in the traditional, common variant of the
written language, yet this does not mean that they have no
logical significance. Elimination theorists tend to ignore the
difference between p and <p> or that p. So they
can begin their exposition with for some p, both A says that p and p,
where, if quantificational, it should read " for some p, both A
says (")p(") and p is true" (or else, if purely substitutional,
"both A says that p and p"). A verifier of this is A
says (")S(") and S is true or A says that s and it is true
that s (or both A says that s and s).