Sad are you,
when the wicked revile you
and persecute you
and falsely spread
all sorts of evil over you
and those who are dear to you.
Praised are you
when you are ridiculed
or discriminated against
or maimed, if not killed,
while furthering the just and good,
for yours is the realm of value.
Glad are you,
when you resist and suffer
for the sake of the neutral Norm.
First sorrowful, then rejoicing,
you shall find the world's reward,
verily, in the lasting.
Vinsent Nandi 61.NMY
This poem, written in the (second-person) you form, may also be
read in the (first-person) i form. Dependent on the
circumstances, when may be replaced with because,
or with and, and maimed, if not killed with
under threat of being maimed or under threat of