I started developing
catenical thought, with
neutral thought in its wake, in the
Netherlands as a minor and young adult, 11 to 21 years old, before
graduating from the first university
i attended, 25 years
after the end of the Second World War
Inclusive thought i started
developing in Canada as a landed immigrant, when i was 22 to 26 years old,
but i did not become fully aware of the significant role of relevance in
inclusive thinking and acting until my academic philosophical studies
about one decade later
The idea of writing the
Model occurred to me during a
one-year journey around the world
North America, Oceania, Asia (for half a year) and Europe, after taking up making
philosophical and
denominational notes
again in Afghanistan on my way to, and also in, Iran
The largest part of the first version of 'the Model of Neutral and
Inclusive Thought', as it was entitled in the beginning, i wrote in Great
Britain at the end of my world tour, 31 aSWW
Before finalizing the (handwritten and typewritten) manuscripts of the
Model of
i went back to university, studied ethics, logics and related historical
and especially systematic subjects, and graduated in philosophy at the
age of 34 years
Using the context name ('pen name', if you prefer) Vinsent Nandi
for the first time i self-published the (paper) Model in print in the
Netherlands, 41 aSWW
The context for the use of the name Vinsent Nandi is a
neutral-inclusivistic one in which i do not intend to refer to particular
political or religious ideologies, individuals, groups or countries at all
or, at any rate, not by name, because by mentioning them in order to
praise or condemn something a fallible person with a mortal body such as i
myself may simply be wrong or lack the necessary means to be entirely
impartial in
'er choice of
Four years after the Model i published
Six Warlocks My Age, Tales
of Contemporary Supernaturalism, six short stories between large quotes,
of which, in spite of these quotes, some stories should probably rather
have been published (and may be republished) under my civil ('real') name
for the reason given above
In the last year of writing the Model (which also explains the use of
'e, 'er
and lowercase i) i began my English studies, and three years
after the publication of Six Warlocks i graduated in English
language and literature, 44 years old
With the advent of global computer networks and the creation of
TRINPsite, 50 aSWW, it became
possible to make the Model easily and freely available to all people with
an internet connection whose personal rights are not denied them by some
totalitarian exclusivist regime
Now, you can listen to audio files and read online almost the whole
(digital) Model, two thirds of Six Warlocks and more recent poems
and notes under the name of Vinsent Nandi
the author of the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity