3.5 |
3.5.1 |
The neutral predicate of any difference
catena is a
predicate of equality. If the difference catena is monovariant
(and bicatenal), every predicate of the original catena corresponds
to one predicate of the difference catena. Given that a catenal
has a certain predicate of the original catena, it must
then have a certain other predicate of the difference catena.
Given that it has a certain predicate of the difference catena,
it must have one particular original predicate (if an
extremity-difference catena) or one
of two original predicates (if a
neutrality-difference catena).
It does therefore not make sense
to consider the normative value of a predicate of a monovariant
difference catena. The superiority or inferiority of such a
predicate is the superiority or inferiority of the one or more
predicates of the original catena to which it corresponds, since
we hold that an original catena takes precedence over a derived
one. Hence, the value of the equality of a monovariant difference
catena would simply be the value of the original predicate
or predicates corresponding to it.
Bivariant equality can be either monocatenal or bicatenal.
Monocatenal equality is equality between component parts of one
and the same whole, whereas bicatenal equality is equality
between different wholes. The form of catenated equality which
is the limit-element of the monocatenal bivariant positivity-difference
catena stands for being-neutrally-nondirectional.
(The positivity of this catena stands for having-a-positive-direction
or being-positivity-directed.) The form of
equality which is the limit-element of the monocatenal bivariant
neutrality-difference catena is well-known as symmetry.
A catenal is of course neutrally nondirectional and symmetrical,
regardless of the value it assumes with respect to the original
catena. All other things being equal, being neutrally nondirectional
and symmetrical are thus states of being which are
normatively superior to being directional and asymmetrical.
(Those who would like to narrowly confine the notion of
normative superiority to ethical matters, should realize that
our position is ontologically not different here from that of
people claiming that beauty is an ultimate or perfective value,
that is, normatively superior to ugliness.)
Some may associate being-nondirectional or a 'lack of direction'
with indirection or aimlessness. But if aimlessness, that
is, a 'lack of aim or purpose', is wrong, it is either wrong,
because processes do take place and people do act without any
aim or purpose or because processes do not take place and
people do not act, where this would further a good end. Since
the principle of neutrality makes neutrality the ultimate aim or
purpose of everything and everyone, it does not justify the
former kinds of aimless processes or actions, while the relevantistic
interpretation of this principle can justify a process
or action which is neutral-directed and thus 'directional'. In
such a case, however, the ceteris paribus clause does not hold.
Therefore, the
catenary superiority of
does not warrant the kind of indirection or aimlessness which is wrong.
(Note that being-non-directional denotes
both the neutral
'being-nan-directional' and the
noncatenality of the same aspect.)
The difference between mono- and bi-catenal, bivariant equality
is not that the one notion of equality is comparative and
the other not. Both are comparative in that we compare different
catenals, but the catenals concerned belong to a whole which is
catenal itself in the former case and do not belong to such a
catenal whole in the latter case. Yet, when people speak of
"equality" or even of "comparative equality" in traditional
terms, they tend --translated into
catenical parlance-- to
think of the neutralities of bicatenal bivariant difference
catenas only. Furthermore, they seem to have always taken it for
granted that these difference catenas were positivity-difference
catenas. (Extremity-difference catenas amounts to the same
here.) One question we will have to ask ourselves later in this
division is therefore why equality, even bicatenal bivariant
difference-catenary equality, should solely be associated with
an extremity- and not with a neutrality-difference catena.
Evidently we must then also examine whether it matters whether
the one aspectual value is taken for the difference catena or
the other.
Nature itself provides us with weighty examples of bicatenal
bivariant nonextremity catenas namely those derived
from the spatial basic catenas. But many people would not notice
that the neutrality of this kind of catena is a form of
equality. It is the predicate of having-the-same-location. Part
of the reason is, perhaps, that different material primary
things can never have exactly the same location, however great
a role the
nanaic force of gravity and the
nanaic nuclear force play to bring this about. A more important part of
the reason is probably that people cannot select the principles of
nature and that people are not physical bodies. They can be
ignorant of certain principles, they can adopt principles by
hypothesis and they can call structurelessness "chaos", but
this is not the kind of freedom which alters the natural
ground-world itself. Whether they like locational equality or
not, gravitation is here to stay.
Bicatenal bivariant equality did become important for many
people when they started thinking of it as a principle in
interpersonal, social or distributive affairs. It is especially
in this context that we should take a closer look at the
temporal aspect of equality. For saying that two catenals are
equal in a certain respect is not necessarily saying that these
two catenals are different individuals which are equal at the
same moment. And if they are, it is only their equality in the
future we could bring about (for example, by giving each of them
one orange). But we can also bring future equality between two
individuals about at different moments in the future (for
example, by giving one a banana the one day, and the other a
banana the next day). In these two instances in which the
equality is a relation in the future, a consequentialist scheme
will tell us what to do, provided that the good to bring about
is here equality (or bicatenal bivariant equality in interpersonal,
distributive affairs). It is a limit-case when one of
the catenals is considered at the present moment, while the
other is considered at a moment in the future. Can it be called
"a consequence of one's action that B will receive the same
amount of a certain good as A receives right now"? It will
certainly become counterintuitive to speak of "consequences" and
of "a consequentialistic scheme", when the equality between one
catenal in the past and one in the future is considered. To give
an example: striving for equality between A and B, we may decide
to give an apple to B tomorrow, because A did already get one
yesterday. (Here it does not matter from whom or in what way.)
The norm of neutrality is 'temporally neutral' in that the
normative superiority of neutrality does not depend on the
moment or period of neutrality. Hence, equality as a neutral
predicate may be equality in the future, in the present, in the
past and between the future and the present, between the
future and the past and between the present and the past. It is
only because of the asymmetry of time, or for reasons of
causality, that the good of equality cannot be produced in the
past. But this is a modal condition and not something that
follows from the
ananorm, for the ananorm itself is
future-, present- and past-regarding. The neutralistic doctrine may be
labeled "consequentialistic" insofar as it is future-regarding
and dealing with causal effects; it is 'antecedentialistic'
insofar as it is past-regarding ; and --who knows-- dependent on
the definition also 'deontological' insofar as it is present-regarding.
What is certain is that it is a past-, present-, and
future-regarding teleological doctrine in which nothing else
than catenated neutrality in general and catenated equality in
particular ought to be chosen as a goal of one's action. The
form of bicatenal bivariant equality to be taken into account
is, then, not only equality in future relations but also
equality in temporal relations which extend from the past to the
present or future.
When temporal equality concerns one and the same individual
we do not speak of "a bicatenal bivariant difference catena" but
of "a differentiation" and of "a time-differential catena".
Neutralness is then sameness or constancy and, when there
is a capacity to restore a disturbed equilibrium, stability. This
sameness, constancy or stability is normatively superior to
change and disturbance. But when differentiation and time-differential
neutrality merely serve a status quo of inequality,
or merely perpetuate polarity in terms of the original catena,
such neutralness is not ananormatively superior and positive,
neutral-directed action can then be warranted. Likewise, even
where there is bicatenal bivariant equality, we must not lose
sight of the original predicate catena. That catena, too, has a
neutrality which is ananormatively superior. The main objection
against traditional egalitarianism is that it would prefer an
equal division of unhappiness or poverty to an unequal division
of happiness or wealth. The same ideologues and philosophers who
have rejected utilitarianism for neglecting distributive justice,
egalitarian or not, have rejected egalitarianism for
neglecting well-being, utilitarian or not.