kwik links to years below

The Metric month is the four-week period of the Quaternary Metric World Calendar which lasts 28 days, with the exception of Equatorial Month (of which the compass name is Central Month) in the middle of the year and, once every four years, Southern Late Lent (Late Southwest Month) at the end of the year, which last 29 days and have one eight-day week (the second in Equinoctial and the fourth in Southern Late Lent). Every such month one idea, aphorism or statement receives special attention in a trailer of the main document. It is called "the Note of the Metric Month". Such a 'note' may be serious or profound at one time and funny or light-hearted at another — it just can't be predicted.

Until the 57th year after the end of the Second World War (that is, the year 57 inclusive) the Notes of the Metric Months were put together in one file. As this file was getting too long, they are now collected in files which cover four years, that is, 52 notes. The first ASWW year of each file is divisible by four. The collection starts with the note of the 52nd Southern Mid-Yule (MSE).

The current eight documents attached to this branch of Notes follow in chronological order below. Where the titles of the separate Notes are mentioned as well, they are being listed in alphabetical order, apart from the or a(n). (The number after the title, between 1 and 52, is the number of the Note in the document in which it appears.)

Notes of the Metric Months from 52 to 55 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 56 to 59 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 60 to 63 aSWW

[for titles and numbers see the document itself]

Notes of the Metric Months from 64 to 67 aSWW

Attraction is no excuse (44) | Cockeyed legalism (38) | Doctors of sexology (32) | Egoism in symbols (42) | Egoistic parents (49) | An eternally happy (after)life (26) | Expired after a long-lived evil (29) | False accusations (5) | Folly or natural quality? (20) | For the love of history (45) | From lust to dryasdust (2) | The he day of sexism (27) | Hear, smell, feel, see, taste (47) | 'If God does not exist ...' (13) | If they feel offended ... (51) | Ignorance and hypocrisy only (7) | Inclusiveness instead of tolerance (41) | 'Intervivors' (9) | Language and tradition or exclusivism (1) | Maintain your equilibrium (34) | Make up and deny (16) | May it (not) have happened (25) | Microwise and macromad (19) | My nanhonore (14) | No easy crossing (11) | No longer in the lap of the gods (10) | No physicist ever saw an apple ... (12) | Nothing, except (36) | The obscenity of state censorship (15) | On an equal footing (18) | Picking your pocket (46) | A pile of firewood (8) | Pluriform with character (33) | Polyinterpretable philosophers or prophets (4) | The price of a lack of balance (50) | The question of denominational primacy (35) | The sin of discrimination where nature does not discriminate (24) | Slaughterhouse religionism (30) | So much sex, so little (17) | A so-called 'religious' experience (22) | Something else than that (37) | Theocentrism versus normism (6) | The theory and practice of justice (21) | To have fun (48) | The value of truth (40) | 文森特的文斗 (Wénsēntè de wéndòu) (43) | What does it mean for the nonowner? (23) | The Wheel (52) | With full intellectual fury (3) | Without any notion (28) | Without the Norm (31) | You should leave the world a fairer place (39)

Notes of the Metric Months from 68 to 71 aSWW

Articles of fiction (31) | The artist and 'er rules (37) | Blasphemy (44) | '打倒帝国主义!''Down with imperialism!' (6) | Explodists staring at hands (5) | Everything senseless? (7) | Faith and superstition (24) | Figments of the imagination (11) | Freedom of/from religion (4) | The fuzziphobe (16) | 'Gifts from God' (2) | Godless, great, not valueless! (40) | 'Guilty pleasures' (17) | Half full or half empty? (32) | Hell was never abolished (8) | In this language (23) | Inclusivity needs exclusion (41) | 'Intelligent' (10) | In­trinsically confused woolly animal language (50) | A language which is being used (51) | Light at the end of the tunnel? (14) | Live and die naturally (3) | The loath­some Trias politica (38) | Matter but a shadow? (47) | Metric and decimal (18) | Most freak­quently used (9) | A neutral-inclusive model (21) | No congenital sexists (49) | No money for STI (52) | No peace, security and freedom (28) | Non­sense made up and sense given (34) | (Not) entirely separate (45) | The notion of neutral-inclusivity (46) | A particular mythology (29) | 同化力量?The power of assimilation? (43) | Property-1 and property-2 (12) | The pursuit of mis­matching values (35) | Tie and skirt sexism (30) | Time and tide (33) | Religions not sheer non­sense (36) | Retro­philosophy (15) | Slow but hard (27) | A super­natural problem (22) | Theo­centrists having at one another (19) | Three abominations (13) | Three spheres of reality (48) | To take and then give offense (26) | To the early readers (39) | Two un­natural forces (25) | Whether revolution or restoration (42) | Why i am not a Why I Am Not-ter (20) | The year 1 (1)

Notes of the Metric Months from 72 to 75 aSWW

The administering angel (17) | Bad in the active is not good in the passive (47) | BE FRUI­TFUL ... ... no more (10) | Be fruit­ful ... ... NO MORE (11) | Community spirit (16) | Conscientization (48) | A country view, not a world­view (19) | A demerit without merit (49) | Distinguishing fantasy from fact (4) | Diversity and inclusion as fashion (43) | Equality in peace- and war­time, no equality in war- and peace­time (45) | Equality is a two-edged sword (44) | The fallacy of the one-sided coin (22) | Fame (52) | The first moon landing (6) | Formula of the norm (1) (7) | Formula of the norm (2) (8) | The four pillars of the Norm (1/4) (33) | The four pillars of the Norm (2/4) (34) | The four pillars of the Norm (3/4) (35) | The four pillars of the Norm (4/4) (36) | I am not bothered, i am (38) | Include you your­selves (9) | Inclusivity yes, unless; diversity no, altho (3) | The individualism that even collectivists dare not criticize (26) | The ins and outs of 'an inclusive society' (15) | Literalists of religious fiction (1) | 'Making up' (12) | The monstrous mixture of theo- and ego­centrism (25) | A 'more inclusive' religion (2) | Neither the self nor the other (21) | Nothing changes, nothing endures (13) | Once i hear the New Way (40) | One nation, neutral and inclusive (14) | A planet turning worse (29) | The power Mono (39) | Preface to the Model (1/2) (27) | Preface to the Model (2/2) (28) | Procreative need and greed (37) | Quality and quantity (51) | 'Real rights' are twin-rights (50) | Temporarily or permanently (5) | The right to live on the immutable norms (31) | Science or religion (23) | The shortest satisfaction (20) | Something SPE-cial (24) | Symbol or anti­symbol — two sides of one coin (41) | Symbols are not ends in them­selves (42) | Theo­centrism not over yet (30) | Two kinds of relationship (18) | Values or whims (46) | The worship­building industry (32)

Notes of the Metric Months from 76 to 79 aSWW

A bird without feathers (31) | By the grace of a theocentrist theft (32) | Cancel culture does not build anything (17) | Change versus no change (27) | Child and duty among others (24) | Community unites ... and divides (51) | The curse of explodists on all others (44) | Do not translate this, unless ... (13) | The erroneous chicken-and-egg question (21) | Facing the question of denominational primacy (39) | The four values of the DNI (36) | From riches to rags (11) | The grabber steals from all (52) | Honoring from anemia (41) | How they are still struggling with a third person (38) | Inclusiveness (3) | Individual & society (22) | Influence rather than power (49) | In terms of vicious extremes (46) | The joy of culture (16) | Labels that do not reflect (28) | Let the world stew in what? (8) | Members of Homo stultus (6) | The middle road, not middle-of-the road (43) | The narrow path of neutralism (20) | Neither limited nor enlarged (26) | Neutrality (4) | A neutrality between triple-magnitude polarities? (7) | The new New Year card (40) | No more ribs of integers (12) | Not a Supreme Being (25) | (One of) the greatest thinker(s)? (35) | Personhood (5) | A philosophical edifice de novo (30) | A phobia is a fear, hatred is not (15) | Relevance (2) | The religious fear of criticism (14) | Richer, not necessarily more adequate (18) | Self-destructive misbelief (48) | The steadfastness of a denomination (34) | Superior, hierarchy and primacy (50) | Teaching or dumbing down? (42) | Ten fingers and old customs are not arguments (29) | Ten valuable items from the grab bag (45) | The theory and practice of mathematicians (23) | Truth (1) | The unfamiliar new Way (33) | Un modèle achevé / A complete model (10) | Unmoored from the relevant foundation (9) | Upending the status quo (37) | The wider path of inclusivism (19) | The wise person will know better (47)

Notes of the Metric Months from 80 aSWW