  TRINPsite, 53.09.1-58.01.7               AddNRev/53ASWW.html
  |  Please note that all documents are/will be dated using  |
  |  a code consisting of three numbers: 12.34.5. For an     |
  |  explanation of this Year-Week-Day system click here.    |
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|        A D D I T I O N S   A N D   R E V I S I O N S         |
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|     In Southern Mid- and Late Lent                           |
|                                                              |
|     These months, especially Late Lent, are characterized by |
|     the creative introduction of various JavaScript          |
|     features, such as the possibility to use different words |
|     and/or names in the same text and the possibility to     |
|     have the user enter certain data which are then          |
|     processed.                                               |
|          Thanks to a new little JavaScript program it is not |
|     necessary anymore to designate pictures by means of      |
|     their number in the document. In the case of triple      |
|     pictures at one place this yielded very different        |
|     results for different browsers, as they assign different |
|     numbers to the same picture (with the exception of the   |
|     number 0 for the first one). In practise this means that |
|     triple pictures which are not placed at the beginning    |
|     are becoming visible with a Netscape browser when        |
|     pointing the mouse arrow at them, and when withdrawing   |
|     that arrow again. There were no such problems with       |
|     Internet Explorer 4.0, because the absolute numbers used |
|     in the source code were those of that browser.           |
| 65:      The visitor can now personalize the Main Document   |
|     by entering 'er own name, which will appear at three     |
|     different places. Moreover, together with the Main Index |
|     page and the Year-Week-Day Code page, this document now  |
|     shows the current date in number of years after the end  |
|     of the Second World War and using the Metric Calendar. A |
| 64: special document with the title 'Go Global, Go Metric'   |
|     has now been added which not only shows today's date,    |
|     but which also explains the meaning of the Year-Week-Day |
|     and Year-Month-Day codes. This same document has a       |
|     JavaScript device for automatically converting any       |
|     religious-imperial date after 21 December 1945 to the    |
|     metric equivalent, which makes this document the most    |
|     'interactive' one of this moment.                        |
|        Not being finished yet --and will it ever?-- the      |
|     work on the Vocabulary of Alliteration continues         |
| 63: unabated. Meanwhile, the sounds |D|, |F| and |M| have    |
|     been made available as well.                             |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Equinoctial and Early Lent                   |
|                                                              |
|     During these months much attention was paid to the       |
|     layout of documents, in which the presence of overall    |
|     site links is now becoming more and more general. Thus,  |
|     the Catenas at the top and at the bottom of each         |
|     document proper will provide immediate access to the     |
|     main index in future (and so will the space key in       |
|     combination with ALT or CMD). The Catena button at the   |
|     bottom, in the center, will henceforth link the user to  |
|     the Main Document file, alliteratively referred to as    |
|     the Top of the TRINPsite Tree of files.                  |
| 62:      Saxifrax, now turned into HTM format, is an example |
|     of a document with the above-mentioned two links to the  |
|     main index and document as well as three more specific   |
|     top-center, bottom-left and bottom-right links once to   |
|     be found throughout the whole system. These links are    |
|     made possible by the variable link pages.                |
|          The five TRINP-value documents near the top of the  |
|     tree were reformatted too.                               |
| 61: The Tripartite Structure of The Catena, a file to which  |
|     Neutrality provides a direct link, is now available in a |
|     graphic HTM format.                                      |
| 60:      A document such as The Yule of the Turkeys has been |
|     changed considerably in order to make it look better on  |
|     paper, when printed out. In other documents smaller      |
|     changes were made for the same reason.                   |
|          The Vocabulary of Alliteration has been extended    |
| 59: with the sound |V|, while words have been added to other |
|     sounds already available.                                |
|          The gradual introduction of style sheet features    |
|     has only just started. With one particular browser which |
|     can and does use one particular type of style sheet this |
|     new tool is a remarkable improvement indeed, but given   |
|     the fact that, in practise, people use different         |
|     browsers that can and cannot handle style sheets or that |
|     apply different style sheets there is enough reason not  |
|     to rely on style sheet features too much at the moment.  |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Mid-Yule                                     |
|                                                              |
|     The complete Final Anagnorisis can now not only be read  |
| 58: but also listened to in both WAV and MP3 format. At the  |
|     same time the text of the beginning of the main document |
|     has been deleted as a sound file.                        |
| 57:      The Sparrow in the Banqueting Hall is a short       |
|     essay, with some characteristics of a short story, which |
|     can be found under Notes. Two places on the index page   |
|     provide a link to this text document, and you can make a |
|     sparrow fly from the one place to the other by pointing  |
|     with your mouse arrow at it (at least if you use a       |
|     browser which can cope with series of three separate     |
|     pictures at one place). The flight of the sparrow is not |
|     mere fun but a serious matter as well, as the text       |
|     linked to will make clear.                               |
|          The poem Saxifrax is not new, nor has it been       |
|     changed, but the graphic representation of this poem now |
|     includes 'real' sassafras leaves. They are the scanned   |
|     copies of dried leaves, and not the hand-drawn (or       |
|     rather mouse-drawn) specimens as found elsewhere in      |
|     TRINPsite.                                               |
|          A new technical feature is the introduction of      |
|     so-called "variable link pages". The variable links are  |
|     the links at the top (center) and at the bottom (left    |
|     and right) of each standard document. For each of these  |
|     three locations these links connect a picture, or rather |
|     a series of three pictures, to a certain document at the |
|     same, or a higher or a lower level. This 'reference'     |
|     document itself, however, is not named explicitly in the |
|     document with the picture which is connected to it. The  |
|     code of that document only contains the name of the      |
|     variable link page, and this page, in turn, is either    |
|     the same as the specific document linked to or a page    |
|     with a 'Refresh' meta-statement which puts the browser   |
|     thru to that document immediately. The advantage of such |
|     variable document names, in addition to the variable     |
|     picture names, is that the three series of three         |
|     pictures in each standard document and the three         |
|     reference documents to which they are connected can all  |
|     be changed at one point at once without having to change |
|     any names in the numerous separate standard documents of |
|     the TRINPsite tree of files.                             |
|          Another new feature is the introduction of multiple |
|     viewing from the index page, which may be specially      |
|     interesting to those who use a horizontal resolution of  |
|     more than 640 pixels. As standard documents are designed |
|     for a width of only a little bit more than 600 pixels,   |
|     those with a much wider screen will benefit from the     |
|     possibility to leave the index page visible on the left  |
|     of their screen. They can then choose an item from that  |
|     index and see the document chosen on the right, without  |
|     'losing' the index itself. This is also possible for a   |
|     width of 640 pixels, but then the document chosen can    |
|     only be shown in part and you will have to start         |
|     scrolling in order to see the right side of the          |
|     document, something which is not necessary in any        |
|     TRINPsite document if you stick to one frameless window. |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Equatorial Month and Southern Early Yule              |
|                                                              |
|     Several changes have been made to the list of TRINPsite  |
| 56: sound files. It is now possible not only to listen to    |
|     the first and last stanza of the poem To Ananda, but     |
| 55: also to the song Ananda in MP3 format (the first stanza  |
| 54: of the poem). The Wheel That Turns, A Cyclic Song (the   |
|     fourth Wheel Poem), has been added in MP3 format too.    |
|          For the first time original Model figures have been |
|     put on Internet. One way of accessing them is by going   |
| 53: to the List of Figures, and by proceeding from there.    |
| 52: The figure called The Question of Denominational Primacy |
|     has not (yet) been scanned from the original, but is     |
|     made available in the shape of an HTML table.            |
| 51:      In the Vocabulary of Alliteration the sounds |H|,   |
|     |L|, |N|, |P|, |R|, |S| and |T| have been made           |
|     accessible in addition to the sound |K|.                 |
|          Changes in the presentation and format of the       |
|     different types of TRINPsite documents continue to be    |
|     made. Files which are most likely to show the latest     |
|     document design at this moment are:                      |
|       for nodal general files:  Sound.htm;                   |
|       for terminal general files: Note/MMo/Y52-55.HTM;      |
|       for nodal Model files:    MNI.htm and MNI/BoS/4/1.htm; |
|       for terminal Model files: MNI/E.HTM.                   |
|     Eventually every nodal general file should look like     |
|     Sound.htm, every nodal terminal file like                |
|     Notes/Month.HTM, and so on.                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Mid- and Late Lent                           |
|                                                              |
| 50: The poem To Ananda (in a shortened and revised form) and |
| 49: the Epilogue, both at the end of the Model of Neutral-   |
|     Inclusivity, have been turned into graphic files.        |
| 48:      "About Time" is an announcement for those who have  |
|     not heard of TRINPsite yet and may be interested in this |
|     site, and for those who want to draw the attention of    |
|     others to it. It is also an announcement for anyone      |
|     suffering from active millenarianism.                    |
|          The space available for TRINPsite files has been    |
|     enlarged from 10 to 15 Mb. Meanwhile the number of files |
|     has risen to more than 330 files, of which about 270     |
|     different or 'unique' ones. There are relatively many    |
|     picture files which are not unique now, but which can be |
|     made unique at any moment in the future. In this way a   |
|     whole branch of TRINPsite files can be given its own     |
|     picture(s) and/or background(s) at one go.               |
|          A new use of JavaScript applets makes it possible   |
|     to show three pictures in succession: before, during and |
|     after pointing to it with the mouse arrow. The use of    |
|     'hotspots', also new for this site, makes it possible to |
|     create several links to several parts of a picture       |
|     instead of one link to the whole picture.                |
|          In order to make the contents and structure of the  |
| 47: site more transparent to the public a 'meta-file' has    |
|     been added with a complete list of current texts,        |
|     pictures and sound files.                                |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Late Yule and Equinoctial Month              |
|                                                              |
|     The most important development in these two months is    |
|     the introduction of compressed *.wav files and *.mp3     |
|     files which are less than one-tenth the original size.   |
|     (Unfortunately, while the compressed *.wav files work    |
|     with the Netscape player they do not yet work properly   |
|     with the player of Internet Explorer.)                   |
|          There is now also a link to the complete list of    |
|     sound files from the nodal file for poetry in general,   |
|     as it contains mainly poems read aloud and sung. The     |
|     latest addition is the poem 'The Wheel Has Wrought',     |
| 46: which is 10.3 MB big in its original CD format, and 1323 |
|     kB in its derived *.wav and 935 kB in its *.mp3 format.  |
|          A start has been made with the publication on       |
| 45: Internet of a Vocabulary of Alliteration, even tho no    |
|     more than the sound |K| can be accessed at the moment.   |
|          Work on the TRINP cube, a graphic undertaking, has  |
|     continued and yielded two documents with cubes of        |
| 44: different sizes: one 312 pixels and one 616 pixels high. |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Early and Mid-Yule                           |
|                                                              |
|     As far as the contents of TRINPsite are concerned, there |
|     are hardly any changes during this period. The work on   |
|     the conversion of files and the presentation of          |
|     documents continues, however. For the presentation of    |
|     files Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 is now     |
|     used in addition to Netscape and Lynx.                   |
|          When checking out the 1531 links of the complete    |
|     Web site, 28 links turned out to be broken, so that they |
|     could not be followed anymore, or so that the occasional |
|     picture did not show up. These links have been restored  |
|     in the meanwhile. (TRINPsite has now 532 unique URLs and |
|     a change in one part of the system may have effects in   |
|     another part which should be, but have evidently not     |
|     always been, foreseen or kept track of.)                 |
|          Besides animated and transparent 'gif' pictures a   |
| 43: moving, 'three-dimensional' TRINP cube is presently      |
|     being developed. This cube is a totally new element in   |
|     the graphic representation of TRINP values and TRINPsite |
|     ideas. (If applet can't start in Netscape 3.02, then try |
|     the absolute addresses below, or put the file            |
|     image3dcube.class in the directory                       |
|     Netscape\Program\Java\Classes.)                          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
  | From here you are given immediate upward access to:      |
  | --  Additions and Revisions                              |
  | --  TRINPsite index (on level I)                         |
DNI Foundation, Amsterdam, Neth. in@xs4all.nl, www.xs4all.nl/~in