primary thing
which aims at, or furthers, what is
ananormatively superior is a
nanaic being or 'nanan'.
The set of all nanaic beings in the universe of the past, present and
future may be called "the all-nanaic" or "all-nanan". As a
mere set of primary things the all-nanaic does in a strict
ontological sense not exist as a primary thing itself, just as
humankind as the set of all individual human beings does not
exist either in this sense. Yet, so long as there is one nanaic
thing in the universe, the all-nanaic 'exists' in the same sense
as humankind 'exists'. The existence of the all-nanaic is
therefore as incontestable as the existence of humankind.
The all-nanaic is not a 'being' in the sense of a primary thing
such as the supreme being or a human being. But, if being is
also taken in a wider sense which includes sets of beings, the all-nanaic
is not merely a being but the second principal being of the
neutralist denominational doctrine. Altho the term all-nanan
suggests that this principal being would be a single, primary
thing, this suggestion must be interpreted symbolically, for
literally the all-nanan is not a (primary) thing. The expression
all-nanaic is more appropriate in this respect since we could
read "all nanaic beings" instead of "all-nanaic being". In both
cases the function of all in all-nanaic is different from
that of all in
all-ananic. The all-nanaic
consists of all primary things that are nanaic in at least one respect,
whereas the all-ananic is a single primary thing that is ananic in all
(original) respects in which it is catenal.
The all-ananic is the end of the all-nanaic in that it
determines as an ideal the direction in which each thing has to
aim in order to be nanaic. The all-ananic is also the end of the
all-nanaic in that no nanaicity would be required, and would
even be possible anymore, if the state of complete or maximum
ananicity were permanently attained. This would result in the
end of the existence of the all-nanaic, since no primary thing
were then, and could then be, nanaic anymore.
While the all-ananic is the principal being which represents
neutrality proper, the all-nanaic is the principal (set of)
being(s) which represents the forces contributing to the
establishment or maintenance of neutrality, and of
While the all-ananic is the supreme being, the all-nanaic
is an inferior being (or a collection of inferior beings). The
all-ananic supreme being is 'all-good' if good is a purely
evaluative and perfective term; it is neither good nor bad in
the sense of beneficent or maleficent; and it has no creative
or destructive powers. The all-nanan, on the other hand, is not
good in the purely evaluative, perfective sense of good, but it
is good in the sense of beneficent when this enhances a sentient
being's neutral well-being. Moreover, in its striving for
ananicity the all-nanan has great creative power as well.
Altho no reasonable person can take the moldy creationist
belief seriously which fancies "a creator of the universe" in
terms of one personal being or other primary thing, we must
recognize the creative force or forces of nature which have
shaped the world and the things in it as they are (or as they
used to be before their destruction). As regards the material,
nonbiological aspect of the world: this is controlled by
gravitation and other nanaic physical forces. As regards life
systems on Earth and possibly other planets: order and evolution
in these systems portray a maintenance of neutrality (balance,
equilibrium, symmetry, equality) and a search for this state
(adaptation, acclimatization) which are characteristic of
nanaicity. The physical, chemical and biological forces concerned
are all determined by the same
li'. Therefore, the
creative force or 'creator' behind the meaningful development
of our world as an orderly system forms part of the all-nanaic.
The universal nanaicity exhibited by this 'creator' is not
different from the relatively small-scale, ananormative striving
for neutrality we are urged to ourselves. It is precisely by
being nanaic in some respect that we, as persons, become part of
this creative principal being ourselves.
A particular thing can be creative or nanaic in many
different respects and with regard to many different other
things. That is why the all-nanan has countless appearances. It
is the nanaic substance of the universe as a whole, and the
nanaic substance in every separate field. If neutrality in that
field corresponds to nondiscrimination and inclusivity, then the
all-nanaic has at least as many appearances as there are facets
of inclusivity. Thus one could speak of "the nanan of races",
"of sexes", "of nations", "of languages", and so on. The nanan
then designates the nanaic or a being that symbolically
represents all primary things that are nanaic in the field concerned.
The so-called 'nanan of races' includes everything that furthers
racial nondiscrimination, everything that maintains racial
inclusivity and everyone who fights racism.
The nanapolar field in question may also be a geographic one.
Such a geographic field is, for example, that of a general
natural or cultural feature, or that of one particular place or
area. Thus the 'nanan of the mountains' represents everything
that is nanaic in any high, mountainous area, while the 'nanan
of the polders' represents everything that is nanaic in any
low area reclaimed from the sea or other body of water. If
Loandhiland is the (fictitious) proper name of a country, the
'Nanan of Loandhiland' represents the nanaicity in, or of,
Loandhiland. (Compare the Nanan of the Bleen Sea and the
Nanan of the Yellored Desert.)
Finally, the nanapolar field in question may be defined, too,
in terms of a more specific, corrective value of neutralism. All
beings that are nanaic because they are beneficent, for
instance, are thus 'nanans of beneficence', or are symbolically
part of one 'nanan of beneficence'. When good is not only used
in a perfective, but also in a corrective, evaluative sense, the
all-nanaic is, as it were, a 'pannanaon' of many different, good
beings; that is, a 'pannanaon' of beings that are beneficent,
of beings that promote interpersonal equality, of beings that
combat exclusivism, and of beings that are nanaically good in
any other respect.