autobiographical info

As Something ...
MP3, 1:53, 1.8 MB

No doubt, providing even a mod­i­cum of per­son­al information about the author of the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity, or of any such mon­u­men­tal work for that matter, may un­nec­es­sar­i­ly detract from the substance and quality of the writing itself. The in­for­ma­tion may even be used in some argumentum ad hominum not of any general value, wheth­er favorable or un­fa­vor­a­ble to the author 'im­self, to the male author himself or to the authoress herself. Yet, if only to con­trib­ute to an ob­jec­tive history of human civilization, i have col­lec­ted here a few notes for those with a natural, sincere interest in the cre­a­tion of the Model, starting with the dawn of neutral thought and the ear­ly days of neutral-inclusive thought.

  • I began to develop catenical thought, with neutral thought in its wake, in the Neth­er­lands as a minor and young a­dult, eleven to twenty-one years old. This was be­fore i grad­u­at­ed from the first u­ni­ver­si­ty i at­ten­ded, in the 26th (Metric Calendar) year after the end of the Second World War.
  • Inclusive thought i began to de­vel­op in Canada as, what was then called, 'a land­ed im­mi­grant', when i was twenty-two to twenty-five years old. I did not be­come ful­ly aware of the significant role of relevance in in­clu­sive think­ing and act­ing (and in all those tra­di­tion­al notions such as jus­tice, e­qual­i­ty and dis­crim­i­na­tion in particular) un­til my ac­a­dem­ic phil­o­soph­i­cal studies about one decade later.
  • During a one-year journey around the world thru North America, Oce­a­nia, Asia (for half a year) and Europe, i took up making phil­o­soph­i­cal and denominational notes again in Af­ghan­i­stan on my way to, and also in, Iran. That is when and where i began to en­ter­tain the idea of writing a book to be referred to as "the Model". It would take a normistic po­si­tion, that is, one based on the primacy of norms and values, instead of a theocentrist one, that is, one based on the pri­ma­cy of gods and/or demons in the sin­gu­lar or plural.
  • The largest part of the first version of 'the Model of Neutral and Inclusive Thought' i wrote in Great Britain at the end of my world tour, 31 aSWW, that is, in the 31st year after the Second World War. Later i changed Neutral and Inclusive Thought into Neutral-Inclusivity to make clear that the Model was not only about think­ing but e­qual­ly about behaving or act­ing; and to em­pha­size the in­sep­a­ra­bil­i­ty of neutrality and inclusivity in practice.
  • It appears that the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity is and will be the last de­nom­i­na­tion­al tome in human history of its size written by hand: three books about a new world­view in altogether 936 pages. Not long after i fin­ished this work the computer became available as a word processor to the general pub­lic, which made all hand­writ­ing on such a for­mi­da­ble scale obsolete.
  • Before finalizing the (hand­writ­ten and type­writ­ten) man­u­scripts of the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity i went back to u­ni­ver­si­ty, studied ethics, log­ics and re­lat­ed historical and especially sys­tem­at­ic sub­jects, and grad­u­at­ed in phi­los­o­phy at the age of thirty-four years.
  • Using the context name —'pen name', if you prefer— Vinsent Nandi for the first time i self-published the Mod­el in print in the Neth­er­lands, 41 aSWW. Vinsent is a (more) phonematic variant of Vincent, also mean­ing (of) the conquering one. Those who have fa­mil­iarized themselves with the N-A Series of Neutralistic Morphemes will recognize the nan in Nandi. (Altho, apart from the title page, Nandi occurs nowhere in the Model, there is one par­a­graph in the Book of Symbols which refers to this verbal symbol implicitly.)
  • The context for the use of the name Vinsent Nandi is a neutral-inclusivistic one in which i do not intend to write about particular po­lit­i­cal or re­li­gious ideologies, in­di­vid­u­als, groups or coun­tries at all or, at any rate, not by name, be­cause by men­tion­ing them in or­der to praise or con­demn some­thing a fallible person with a mor­tal body such as i my­self may sim­ply be wrong or lack the means needed to be entirely impartial in 'er choice of examples.
  • Four years after the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity i pub­lished Six Warlocks My Age, Tales of Contemporary Super­naturalism, six short sto­ries between large quotes, of which, in spite of these quotes, some sto­ries should prob­a­bly rather have been published (and may be re­pub­lished) un­der my civil ('real') name for the rea­son given above.
  • In the last year of writing the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity (which also explains the use of 'e, 'im, 'er and lowercase i) i be­gan my Eng­lish stud­ies, and three years after the pub­li­ca­tion of Six Warlocks My Age i grad­u­at­ed in English language and lit­er­a­ture, forty-four years old.
  • With the advent of global computer net­works and the creation of TRINPsite, 50 aSWW, it became possible to make the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity easily and freely available to all people with an in­ter­net con­nec­tion whose personal rights are not de­nied them by some po­lit­i­cal, mil­i­tar­y or religious totalitarian regime. (O­rig­i­nal­ly, TRINP­site was called "InSite".)
  • Today you can read online almost the whole (digital) Model of Neutral-Inclusivity, two thirds of Six Warlocks My Age and more recent po­ems and notes under the name of Vinsent Nandi. This includes the Notes of the Metric Months, which, by definition, are (still) being updated every month. You can also listen to a great many audio files on TRINP­site, a­mong which a fair number of Model texts and poems.
  • Above you can find the audio file As Something Having Both a Body and Mental Properties (I. re­cord­ed by myself as speaker and as 'sound technician' si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly. On the surface, it is quite a per­son­al Model sound file with no fewer than twenty-six times I/i, my or me in nine sen­ten­ces. Much more per­son­al, however, is the first of the Prefatory Notes to the Model, in spite of its com­plete lack of any first-person pro­noun. It is about the very con­di­tions un­der which the three books of the Model were writ­ten. Just listen to the text spoken by the author 'imself a­gain in the audio file be­low.
  • The Wheel of the Norm (in this same folder) has more in­for­ma­tion about what con­sid­er­a­tions played a role in writ­ing the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity. Strictly speaking, it is only about the re­la­tion­ship between a visual con­crete sym­bol (the Wheel) and a lit­er­ar­y verbal one (the Norm), but since these sym­bols rep­re­sent the norm­is­tic de­nom­i­na­tion­al doctrine in its totality, it also gives a bet­ter insight into the underlying cre­a­tive thought process.
Machiel Vincent van Mechelen

Preface to the Model
MP3, 2:12, 2.1 MB