All public TRINPsite files are listed in this document with the exception
of HTML text files, which may be listed on
the main index page only.
At the moment this site comprises 1095 internally linked files , of
which about 841 different or 'unique' ones:
The table above and the lists below do not include
technical files which redirect folder grabblers, nor technical files
at old, discontinued addresses which only refer to the new address
of a page, nor any file in the directories Info/Repl/, Info/Temp/
or Sound/Temp/, nor specific files in JS/GP/, nor informal
(incomplete) *.doc or *.pdf files only made accessible
for background information
Files are not considered 'unique' when, for
instance, they are parts or combinations of other files, when they
are text files which are special versions of graphic files, when
they are or contain mere screenshots of webpages or when they are
picture files which are the same now, altho they may be different
at a later date
The names of files (other than temporary ones) are
never more than 8 characters long, the names of directories are
usually no more than about 4 characters long
For new files added in the 68th to the 71st year after the Second World
War see
Additions and Revisions from 68 to 71 aSWW .
In this document from the
Additions and Revisions folder
you should also find information about other changes made.
HTML text files
A large number of these files are only
listed in the main index page under:
Gradually and eventually all URLs will be
deleted from the main index page; the files of which these URLs have
already been deleted are shown in the tables below with their URL
(technical file name), name (document title), date and format
the date is the one on which the file was
newly added; parentheses indicate that the text was available
elsewhere on TRINPsite before
F stands for the text file format; the most
recent format at present is F8; 'sp' is a 'special' format or no
particular format; see Additions and
revisions in 65 aSWW and
[I]n 59 aSWW .
[UC] indicates that the text, style
sheet or script file has been saved in Unicode, normally in UTF-8; the
default encoding is ANSI
of technical files and the basic files of the
Spelling and Stress Dictionary and
Vocabulary of Alliteration
only the URLs are given
nodal *.htm files
without URL in index
Additions and Revisions
51.10.1 J
Stichting DNI Foundation
52.34.5 F8
Lists of Files (this file)
53.17.3 sp
Interactive puzzles (accessible via Game/Pzzl.htm ) :
Crosswords and ...
57.30.6 F4
Sliding block puzzles
66.11.5 F7
Change of Name
52.30.3 sp
TRINPsite Main Index
50.20.4 sp
proxy file of Main Index
68.25.2 sp
Technical pages for right-frame viewing :
Multiple viewing technical pages
(via indMult.htm or other) :
indMult/MultVert.htm (for any page in a
top/bottom frame)
indMult/MultVHor.htm (for any page in a
left/right frame)
indMult/MultView.htm (with multiple
viewing information)
VariViewing text files (used by script in index.htm) :
indVVuCo.htm (for console in separate
indVVuIn.htm (information and help
Opinion about TRINPsite
51.47.6 F5
Questions and Answers
59.43.7 F8
Variable linking pages
(not unique) :
all files in Info/VLP/ folder:
BotL1.htm (to MNI/MainDoc.htm)
(for nodal general files)
BotL2.htm (to MNI/MainDoc.htm)
(for nodal language files)
BotL3.htm (to MNI/E.HTM) (for
nodal MNI files)
BotL6.htm (to MNI/MainDoc.htm)
(for basic general files)
BotL7.htm (to MNI/MainDoc.htm)
(for basic language files)
BotL8.htm (to MNI/E.HTM) (for basic
MNI files)
BotR1.htm (to Info/Ann53225.HTM)
(nodal, general)
BotR2.htm (to Info/Ann53225.HTM)
(nodal, language)
BotR3.htm (to Info/Ann53225.HTM)
(nodal, MNI)
BotR6.htm (to Ann53225.HTM) (basic,
BotR7.htm (to Ann53225.HTM) (basic,
BotR8.htm (to Info/Ann53225.HTM)
(basic, MNI)
TopC6.htm (to
TopC1.htm (to Time/StatWind.HTM)
(nodal, general)
TopC2.htm (to Time/StatWind.HTM)
(nodal, language)
TopC3.htm (to Tong/ThL/Time/Date.HTM)
(nodal, MNI)
TopC6.htm (to Poet/NCGP/NAnn/WhlPoems.HTM)
(basic, general)
TopC7.htm (to Poet/NCGP/NAnn/WhlPoems.HTM)
(basic, language)
TopC8.htm (to Poet/NCGP/NAnn/WhlPoems.HTM)
(basic, MNI)
TRINPsite Main Document, 'Top of Tree'
50.20.4 sp
Discrimination between right and relevancy
59.51.4 F6
Given Names for Persons
60.03.7 F8
Poems/诗歌 /Gedicht
(50.30.1) F8
Computer Poetry
50.30.1 F6
51334Tr.htm (frameset)
A Finger of Value
52.34.5 sp
51327Tr.htm (frameset)
The Middle Finger
54.39.2 sp
Poems and Songs Not Generated by a Computer
50.30.3 F3
Poems with Analyses or Notes
50.30.2 F5
Poems without Annotations
50.30.4 F5
Selected Model Poems
50.30.4 F6
Vocabulary of Alliteration
50.30.1 F8
Play and Short Stories
50.30.6 F5
Everyone the New Elckerlyc
58.40.5 F8
The Other Day ...
60.01.7 F6
Six Warlocks My Age
50.30.6 F5
Sound Files
52.34.5 F8
State Religionism
51.35.4 F8
Spelling and Stress Dictionary
62.28.6 F8
Poems and Songs
70.34.1 F8
A Hand with Myriad Digits
(52.34.5) F8
Notes and Papers
(50.30.4) F8
Notes of the Metric Months
(76.28.4) F8
(57.12.4) F7
A Metric diary for every year
(57.49.7) F8
Translation guidelines (accessible via Tong/ThL/Translat.htm ) :
Directions for translation
61.28.2 F6
Guidelines for Zhezhong Yuyan (普通话 )
61.28.2 F8
Value documents (accessible via index.htm ) :
50.49.1 F8
50.52.1 F8
50.52.1 F8
50.52.1 F8
50.47.3 F8
nodal *.html files
basic text files
(graphic *.HTM and nongr. *Txt.htm) without URL in index
plain text files (nongraphic *.txt and 'historical'
the date is the one on
which the file was newly added
none of the files in this list is
the seven files BoF1-3.txt to BoI7-9.txt,
BoS1-6.txt and Model.txt are located at
*.css files (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS/AllPages.css [ANSI&UC] (for all text files, both nodal and basic)
CSS/Dict.css [ANSI] (for Dictionary letter and Vocabulary stave files)
CSS/GenBasic.css [ANSI&UC] (for basic text files without special style sheet)
CSS/GenNodal.css [ANSI&UC] (for nodal text files other than MNI files)
CSS/GP_SB.css [ANSI] (for sliding block puzzles)
CSS/MNIBasic.css [ANSI] (for basic MNI files)
CSS/MNINodal.css [ANSI] (for nodal MNI files)
*.js files (JavaScript)
JS/Advice.js [ANSI] (for writeAdviceO(N) in main index)
JS/BodyFnct.js [ANSI] ([later replaced with HeadObjs.js and BodyObjs.js]
JS/BodyObjs.js [ANSI&UC] (for objects inside and outside 'body' statement)
JS/BotPart.js [ANSI&UC] (for Write_BotPart(S))
JS/FramSub.js [ANSI&UC] ([from F7 at beginning of BotPart.js]
JS/GP/CWHead.js [ANSI] (for JS objects within the 'head' tags of crossword files)
JS/HeadObjs.js [ANSI&UC] (for JS objects and non-JS data within the 'head' tags)
JS/MidPart.js [ANSI&UC] (for writeMidPartO(S))
JS/NoteMM.js [ANSI] (for Note of the Metric Month in MainDoc.htm)
JS/PostPage.js [ANSI&UC] (for Write_PostPage())
JS/PrePage.js [ANSI&UC] (for Write_PrePage())
JS/ShowPics.js [ANSI] [later replaced with functions in BodyObjs.js]
JS/StatWind.js [ANSI] [later replaced with functions in BodyObjs.js]
JS/TopPart.js [ANSI&UC] (for Write_TopPart(S))
*.gif, *.jpg and *.png files
Art/Foto/Album/Pics/Tr1_13.jpg (154 kB)
.../Tr1_14.jpg (100 kB)
.../Tr1_15.jpg (85 kB)
.../Tr1_16.jpg (85 kB)
.../Tr1_17.jpg (105 kB)
.../Tr1_18.jpg (88 kB)
.../Tr1_19.jpg (100 kB)
.../Tr1_20.jpg (80 kB)
.../Tr1_21.jpg (87 kB)
.../Tr1_22.jpg (125 kB)
.../Tr1_23.jpg (109 kB)
.../Tr1_24.jpg (123 kB)
.../Tr2_13.jpg (63 kB)
.../Tr2_14.jpg (81 kB)
.../Tr2_15.jpg (108 kB)
.../Tr2_16.jpg (109 kB)
.../Tr2_17.jpg (56 kB)
.../Tr2_18.jpg (94 kB)
.../Tr2_19.jpg (91 kB)
.../Tr2_20.jpg (84 kB)
.../Tr2_21.jpg (89 kB)
.../Tr2_22.jpg (66 kB)
.../Tr2_23.jpg (94 kB)
.../Tr2_24.jpg (99 kB)
(the first half of these TRINPsite
Album pictures 482x636, the second half 482x408) (not really 'unique'
because mainly pictures of webpages)
Game/Cube/Chr_In80.gif (1 kB; 80x80) (copy) &
.../Chr_Incl.gif (2 kB; 160x160) &
.../Cube/Chr_Ne80.gif (copy) &
.../Chr_Neu.gif & .../Chr_Pe80.gif (copy) & .../Chr_Pers.gif &
.../Chr_Re80.gif (copy) & .../Chr_Rel.gif &
.../Chr_Tr80.gif (copy) &
.../Chr_Tru.gif (& .../image3dcube.class)
(23 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
(5 kB; 150x150) (TRINP cube still)
(22 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
(19 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
(21 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
(25 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
Game/Cube/Stil/TopC_TRP.gif (2 kB; 78x156) (copy)
(17 kB; 380x380) (TRINP cube still)
Game/Cube/TRINPC80.gif (2 kB; 80x80) (copy) &
.../TRINPCub.gif (4 kB; 160x160)
Game/Pzzl/SlBl/Pics/SpeakGr.gif (1kB; 31x31) (grey var) &
.../Whl200Gr.gif (34 kB; 200x200) (grey var)
Graf/Bkgr/1.gif (outside background, nodal) (4 kB; 156x156)
Graf/Bkgr/2.gif (inside=table background, nodal, general)
(7 kB; 600x300) (3 sassafras leaves)
Graf/Bkgr/3.gif (inside background, nodal, MNI) (1 kB; 2x2)
(copy of Empty2x2.gif)
Graf/Bkgr/6.gif (outside background, basic) (4 kB; 156x156) (copy)
Graf/Bkgr/7.gif (inside=table background, basic, general) (1 kB; 2x2)
Graf/Bkgr/8.gif (inside background, basic, MNI) (1 kB; 2x2) (copy)
Graf/Bkgr/Body1.gif & .../Body2.gif & .../Body3.gif & .../Body6.gif &
.../Body7.gif & .../Body8.gif (1 kB; 64x30) (copies, in use from F8)
Graf/Bkgr/CatArrDU.gif (1 kB; 31x42) ('Catena Arrows Down-Up' panel background)
Graf/Bkgr/Empty2x2.gif (1 kB; 2x2) (fake 'picture' used for technical purposes)
Graf/Bkgr/FilmL.gif (1 kB; 16x30) (left edge of film with iframes)
Graf/Bkgr/FilmM.gif (2 kB; 1000x30) (middle part of film with iframes)
Graf/Bkgr/FilmR.gif (1 kB; 16x30) (right edge of film with iframes)
Graf/Bkgr/GradBlGr.gif (8 kB; 1024x16) & .../GradBlWh.gif (same)
(backgrounds for inline frames of nodal/basic main page)
Graf/Bkgr/HalfTrsp.gif (1 kB; 60x60) (half transparent for special effects)
Graf/Bkgr/LinenBrd.gif (8 kB; 200x200) (background sliding puzzles)
Graf/Bkgr/LRRd.gif (2 kB; 600x31) (special notice inside background)
Graf/Bkgr/MidP1.gif & .../MidP2.gif & .../MidP3.gif & .../MidP6.gif &
.../MidP7.gif & .../MidP8.gif (1 kB; 2x20) (transpar., in use from F8)
Graf/Bkgr/ModCoBot3.gif & .../ModCoBot8.gif (4 kB; 600x200) (copy: bottom part of Model cover)
Graf/Bkgr/ModCoDrk.gif (8 kB; 600x350) (complete Model cover; dark)
Graf/Bkgr/ModCoLit.gif (8 kB; 600x400) (copy: light)
Graf/Bkgr/ModCoTop3.gif & .../ModCoTop8.gif (4 kB; 600x150) (copy: top part of Model cover)
Graf/Bkgr/Nanapol.gif (2 kB; 600x32) (dark purple)
Graf/Bkgr/Nanapol/NC00ffff.gif (2 kB; 600x32) (copy: light turquoise)
Graf/Bkgr/QingQiu.gif (3 kB; 600x320)
(used in Tong/ZzY/Shige/Qingqiu.HTM )
Graf/Bkgr/StarSky.gif (29 kB; 200x140)
(used in Tong/ThL/Time/NewYearC.HTM ) &
.../StarSky.jpg (41 kB; 600x200)
(used in Tong/ThL/Note/MMo/Y76-79.HTM )
Graf/Bkgr/Tranen.gif (2 kB; 100x150x256)
Graf/Bkgr/TRNP1024.gif (5 kB; 1024x32) (general background for 1024x768 mode)
Graf/Bkgr/TRNPAddr.gif (3 kB; 200x497) (name TRINPsite with WWW address)
Graf/Bkgr/Whl151Gr.gif (3 kB; 151x151) (Wheel, 151 pixels, in BW and gray)
Graf/Bkgr/Whl151Tr.gif (3 kB; 151x151) (copy: transparent)
Graf/Fram/Bot1.gif (nodal, general) & .../Bot2.gif (nodal, Tong dir) &
.../Bot3.gif (nodal, MNI) & .../Bot6.gif (basic, general) &
.../Bot7.gif (basic, Tong dir) & .../Bot8.gif (basic, MNI)
(4 kB; 600x31)
Graf/Fram/Top1.gif (nodal, general) & .../Top2.gif (nodal, Tong dir) &
.../Top3.gif (nodal, MNI) & .../Top6.gif (basic, general) &
.../Top7.gif (basic, Tong dir) & .../Top8.gif (basic, MNI)
(4 kB; 600x31)
Graf/Icon/ButtnBl.gif (3 kB; 32x32) (for Vocabulary)
Graf/Icon/CatButtn.gif (2 kB; 31x31) ('catena button')
Graf/Icon/HeartBL.gif & .../HeartBR.gif & .../HeartTL.gif & .../HeartTR.gif
(1 kB; 16x16) (arrow for heart/whole body)
Graf/Icon/ISpeakrD.png & .../ISpeakrU.png (1 kB; 31x31) (player)
Graf/Icon/NavDown.png & .../NavUp.png (2 kB; 23x19) (navigation)
Graf/Icon/ResizeL.gif & .../ResizeR.gif (1 kB; 27x30) (for smaller/larger
Graf/Icon/Speaker.gif (2 kB; 31x31) & .../SpeakSq23.gif (1 kB; 23x23)
Graf/Icon/VoAT1.gif & .../VoAT3.gif & .../WhlT1.gif & .../WhlT3.gif &
.../WhlBLT1.gif & .../WhlBRT1.gif & .../WhlTLT1.gif & .../WhlTRT1.gif
(1 kB; 16x16) (*.gif pictures of *.ico
ikons shown below)
Graf/MNI/F2131LR.gif (61 kB; 600x1200) (shown in
MNI/BoF/2/F2131.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F2141.gif (25 kB; 872x599) (shown in
MNI/BoF/2/F2141.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F2151.gif (25 kB; 872x599) (shown in
MNI/BoF/2/F2151.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F4411.gif (50 kB; 600x900) (shown in
MNI/BoF/4/F4411.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F6111.gif (39 kB; 872x599) (shown in
MNI/BoF/6/F6111.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F6112.gif (101 kB; 900x1140) (shown in
MNI/BoF/6/F6112.HTM )
Graf/MNI/F6113.gif (98 kB; 600x1400) (shown in
MNI/BoF/6/F6113.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I1631.gif (91 kB; 600x872) (shown in
MNI/BoI/1/I1631.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I2231.gif (74 kB; 600x872) (shown in
MNI/BoI/2/I2231.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I3211.gif (91 kB; 600x872) (shown in
MNI/BoI/3/I3211.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I5111.jpg (212 kB; 1200x800) (shown in
MNI/BoI/5/I5111.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I6131.gif (71 kB; 600x872) (shown in
MNI/BoI/6/I6131.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I7221.gif (104 kB; 600x1200) (shown in
MNI/BoI/7/I7221.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I7222.gif (32 kB; 600x360) (shown in
MNI/BoI/7/I7222.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I8221.jpg (448 kB; 1200x1480) (shown in
MNI/BoI/8/I8221.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I8231.jpg (897 kB; 1200x1800) (shown in
MNI/BoI/8/I8231.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I8241.jpg (520 kB; 1200x1480) (shown in
MNI/BoI/8/I8241.HTM )
Graf/MNI/I8421.jpg (834 kB; 1200x1800) (shown in
MNI/BoI/8/I8421.HTM )
Graf/MNI/Mod535.gif (66 kB; 535x415) (photograph of the printed Model )
Graf/MNI/S2331.gif (27 kB; 872x600) (shown in
MNI/BoS/2/S2331.HTM )
Graf/MNI/S4111.gif (55 kB; 600x868) (shown in
MNI/BoS/4/S4111.HTM )
Graf/MNI/S4121.gif (74 kB; 600x868) (shown in
MNI/BoS/4/S4121.HTM )
Graf/MNI/S4221.gif (105 kB; 600x868) (shown in
MNI/BoS/4/S4221.HTM )
Graf/MNI/S4231a.gif (38 kB; 600x434) (shown in
MNI/BoS/4/S4231.HTM )
Graf/MNI/S4231b.gif (20 kB; 600x434) (shown in
MNI/BoS/4/S4231.HTM )
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL1.gif (nodal, general) (4 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL2.gif (nodal, language) (4 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL3.gif (nodal, MNI) (2 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL6.gif (basic, general) (4 kB) (copy of ArrBotL1.gif)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL7.gif (basic, language) (4 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotL8.gif (basic, MNI) (2 kB) (copy of ArrBotL3.gif)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR1.gif (nodal, general) (3 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR2.gif (nodal, language) (3 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR3.gif (nodal, MNI) (3 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR6.gif (basic, general) (3 kB) (copy of ArrBotR1.gif)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR7.gif (basic, language) (3 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotR8.gif (basic, MNI) (3 kB) (copy of ArrBotR3.gif)
Graf/VLP/ArrTopC1.gif (nodal, general) (2 kB; 156x78)
Graf/VLP/ArrTopC2.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrTopC3.gif (nodal, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrTopC6.gif (basic, general) (2 kB; 156x78)
Graf/VLP/ArrBotC7.gif (nodal, language) (4 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/ArrTopC8.gif (basic, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL1.gif (nodal, general) (4 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL2.gif (nodal, language) (4 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL3.gif (nodal, MNI) (1 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL6.gif (basic, general) (4 kB) (copy of IniBotL1.gif)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL7.gif (basic, language) (4 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniBotL8.gif (basic, MNI) (1 kB) (copy of IniBotL3.gif)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR1.gif (nodal, general) (2 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR2.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR3.gif (nodal, MNI) (1 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR6.gif (basic, general) (2 kB) (copy of IniBotR1.gif)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR7.gif (basic, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniBotR8.gif (basic, MNI) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC1.gif (nodal, general) (1 kB; 156x78)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC2.gif (nodal, language) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC3.gif (nodal, MNI) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC6.gif (basic, general) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC7.gif (basic, language) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/IniTopC8.gif (basic, MNI) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL1.gif (nodal, general) (2 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL2.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL3.gif (nodal, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL6.gif (basic, general) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL7.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotL8.gif (basic, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR1.gif (nodal, general) (2 kB; 200x100)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR2.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR3.gif (nodal, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR6.gif (basic, general) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR7.gif (basic, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewBotR8.gif (basic, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC1.gif (nodal, general) (2 kB; 156x78)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC2.gif (nodal, language) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC3.gif (nodal, MNI) (2 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC6.gif (basic, general) (1 kB) (empty)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC7.gif (basic, language) (1 kB) (copy)
Graf/VLP/NewTopC8.gif (basic, MNI) (1 kB) (empty)
Graf/VLP/Time/ArrTopC6.gif (specific) (2 kB) (copy of Graf/VLP/ArrTopC1.gif)
Graf/VLP/Time/IniTopC6.gif (specific) (2 kB) (copy of Graf/VLP/IniTopC1.gif)
Graf/VLP/Time/NewTopC6.gif (specific) (2 kB) (copy of Graf/VLP/NewTopC1.gif)
Info/IFrame/Pics/Ann53225.png (37 kB; 200x200) (for iframe 16)
Info/IFrame/Pics/CrssW003.png (25 kB; 200x200) (for iframe 12)
Info/IFrame/Pics/MainDoc.png (58 kB; 200x200) (for iframe 4)
Info/IFrame/Pics/MNIMainD.png (44 kB; 200x200) (for iframe 4)
Info/IFrame/Pics/TRNPCVar.png (37 kB; 200x200) (for iframe 8)
Info/Search/Google/Images/TrthTrnp.jpg (44 kB; 445x460) (used in
*/T380.HTM )
MNI/Focus/Pics/CartWhl.jpg (40 kB; 258x258)
.../CatenaW261.jpg (5 kB; 261x31) (copy of Graf/Fram/Bot8.gif)
.../WhlSq514GreyTr.png (10 kB; 514x514)
.../Y52-5N15.png (22 kB; 300x300) (all four used in
MNI/Focus/Wheel.HTM )
Pics/ASWW50.gif (2 kB; 64x64)
Pics/ButtCls.gif (1 kB; 14x16) (window button for closing)
Pics/ButtMax.gif (1 kB; 14x16) (window button for maximization/full
Pics/ButtMed.gif (1 kB; 14x16) (window button for medium size screen)
Pics/ButtMin.gif (1 kB; 14x16) (window button for
Pics/Cat195.gif (3 kB; 195x63)
Pics/GlobASWW.png (21 kB; 440x220)
Pics/GlobeCal.gif (31 kB; 440x220)
Pics/IndPastC.png (2 kB; 160x80)
Pics/MetCalMv.gif (23 kB; 64x64)
Pics/MetCalMv/MetC_01.gif to .../MetC_30.gif (1 kB; 64x50) (part of
Pics/MetCalMv/MetC_Bk.gif .../MetC_Fr.gif (3 kB; 128x128) (part of
Pics/MetCalSt.gif (2 kB; 64x64) (part of MetCalMv.gif)
Pics/MP3_S180.jpg (38 kB; 180x180) (270x270 original artwork for
MP3 files)
Pics/SassLeav.gif (6 kB; 195x63)
Pics/Spar/Sparr235.gif (15 kB; 235x150)
.../SparrL00.jpg (2 kB; 80x50) (not unique)
.../SparrL80.jpg (6 kB; 80x50) (copy)
.../SparrR00.jpg (2 kB; 80x50) (copy)
.../SparrR80.jpg (6 kB; 80x50) (copy)
Pics/TRINPsTr.png (7 kB; 600x200)
.../TRNPindx.jpg (99 kB; 330x498) (image of
Pics/TRNP/TRNP224.gif (3 kB; 224x24) (not unique)
.../TRNP540N.gif (replaces TRNP540B.gif) (9 kB; 540x60) (not unique)
.../TRNP540.gif (replaces TRNP540D.gif) (8 kB; 540x60)
Pics/VincBase.gif (1 kB; 180x100) (not unique)(used in
.../Vincent.gif (1 kB; 180x100)
Pics/WheelMov.gif (6 kB; 79x79)
.../Whl77x78.gif (1 kB; 77x78) (not unique)
Pics/ZzYuyan.gif (1 kB; 75x15)
Poet/ComP/HandBl.gif (22 kB; 600x630) (part of HandMove.gif)
.../HandMove.gif (96 kB; 600x660)
.../L10-148.png (28 kB; 660x340)
Poet/NCGP/Ann/Pics/ToA1SML.gif (8 kB; 600x230) (used in
*/Ananda.HTM )
Poet/NCGP/Ann/Pics/ToA1SMR.gif (8 kB; 600x230) (ToA1SML.gif mirrored)
Poet/NCGP/NAnn/BkgrSaxi.jpg (56 kB; 602x600) (used in
*/Saxifrax.HTM )
Poet/NCGP/NAnn/BkgrXmas.gif (4 kB)
Poet/NCGP/NAnn/SaxiLeav.gif (19 kB; 240x160) (used in
*/Saxifrax.HTM )
Poet/NCGP/NAnn/XmasTrn.gif (10 kB)
Poet/Pics/FifteenA.png (15 kB; 592x478)
(used in Poet/VocAll.htm )
Poet/Pics/NewTab.png (1 kB; 32x32) (target switching symbol)
Poet/Pics/P_P3.png (27 kB; 312x320) (not unique: screenshot)
Poet/Pics/SameTab.png (1 kB; 32x32) (target switching symbol)
Time/Diary.gif (14 kB; 620x620) (copy of /Diary.htm)
Tong/ThL/Poem/ComP/HWMD/Pics/1GW7023A.png (16 kB)
.../1GW7023B.png (17 kB)
.../1QB7024A.png (19 kB)
.../1QB7024B.png (20 kB)
.../1QB7024C.png (17 kB)
.../1QB7024D.png (16 kB) (screenshots of 1st motion poem)
.../2GW7023A.png (17 kB)
.../2GW7023B.png (16 kB)
.../2QB7024A.png (18 kB)
.../2QB7024B.png (18 kB) (2nd motion poem)
.../3GW7023A.png (17 kB)
.../3GW7023B.png (17 kB)
.../3QB7024A.png (18 kB)
.../3QB7024B.png (16 kB) (3rd motion poem)
.../4GW7023A.png (15 kB)
.../4GW7023B.png (15 kB)
.../4QB7024A.png (15 kB)
.../4QB7024B.png (14 kB)
.../4QB7024C.png (18 kB) (4th motion poem)
.../5GW7023A.png (17 kB)
.../5GW7023B.png (15 kB)
.../5QB7024A.png (15 kB)
.../5QB7024B.png (17 kB)
.../5QB7024C.png (17 kB)
.../5QB7024D.png (18 kB) (5th motion poem)
(all 25 screenshots 340x342)
The first two ikons below are desktop ikons of 32x32 pixels and 16
colors. They are not part of TRINPsite on-line.
The other ikons are ikons of 16x16 pixels and 16 colors.
Dependent on the browser used, they appear on-line before the address
of the page or when it is added to the Favorites, provided that there
is a shortcut link in the source code or a favicon.ico copy in the
directory concerned. What you see here are not the ikons themselves
but the corresponding *.gif pictures.
*.ico files
Note: the last character in the name of the ikon is a figure which stands
for its size (1 for 16, 2 for double 16, 3 for 32, 4 for 48 by 48
pixels), the second-last character a letter which stands for its
transparency (O for opaque and T for transparent).
MNI/WhlBLT1.ico, for basic MNI files, such as MNI/BoF/4/1/1.HTM
MNI/WhlTLT1.ico and MNI/favicon.ico (copy), for nodal
MNI files, such as MNI/MainDoc.htm
Poet/VocAll/VoAT1.ico and Poet/VocAll/favicon.ico (copy), for (nodal
and basic) files of the Vocabulary of Alliteration
WhlBRT1.ico, for other basic files, such as Poet/NCGP/Ann/WhlPoems.HTM
WhlT1.ico and favicon.ico (copy), for general root directory files
and files without a special ikon
WhlTRT1.ico, for other nodal files, such as
Below you will find the plain list of TRINPsite sound files, that is,
files with texts and poems read aloud and with songs. For the reader and
listener, however, there is a special text document
called "Sound Files" , from which these files (with the exception of
the last four listed here) can be accessed in a more pleasant way.
*.wav and *.mp3 files
Note: the name of the sound file starts with the shortened name or code
of the text file; R=read and S=sung; a number indicates the part of the
text or, if 0, the whole text; M=recorded with an MP3-player;
CD=CD-quality, Ra=original radio-quality,
W(i)(reless)= radio-quality, not recorded as such,
Te=telephone-quality, not recorded as such; all without echo; CO,
RO, WO and TO are the same qualities with echO
Sound/DaoNanh/DaoNhCD.mp3 (1284 kB, 1:18, 58.41.3)
Sound/DaoNanh/PrDaoCD.mp3 (1686 kB, 1:44, 58.40.2)
Sound/DzT/Poezie/DezeTaal.mp3 (3308 kB, 1:23, 68.22.1)
Sound/FinAnagn/FinAnM.mp3 (874 kB, 0:53, 61.11.3)
Sound/InclNuNm/NuNm02CO.mp3 (1310 kB, 1:20, 58.11.5-59.43.2) (solo)
Sound/InclNuNm/NuNm3xCO.mp3 (1376 kB, 1:23, 58.12.6) (solo in threefold)
Sound/MainDoc/TRNP01Ra.wav (287 kB)
Sound/MNI/Epilog.mp3 (1973 kB, 2:04, 56.44.2)
Sound/MNI/F111.mp3 (647 kB, 0:41, 56.40.3)
Sound/MNI/F311.mp3 (556 kB, 0:36, 56.40.3)
Sound/MNI/F5421-3.mp3 (4613 kB, 4:52, 61.08.3)
Sound/MNI/F6111.mp3 (2124 kB, 2:12, 56.48.5)
Sound/MNI/F6130.mp3 (3621 kB, 1:31, 67.29.5)
Sound/MNI/F99.mp3 (375 kB, 0:21, 56.40.3)
Sound/MNI/I1112-4.mp3 (2873 kB, 3:01, 56.40.2)
Sound/MNI/I25213-6.mp3 (5912 kB, 2:30, 68.42.1)
Sound/MNI/I13325.mp3 (7147 kB, 3:01, 67.40.7)
Sound/MNI/I13327.mp3 (4538 kB, 1:55, 67.40.7)
Sound/MNI/I13329.mp3 (3635 kB, 1:31, 67.40.7)
Sound/MNI/I1631.mp3 (1801 kB, 1:53, 56.40.2)
Sound/MNI/I99.mp3 (1062 kB, 1:05, 56.40.3)
Sound/MNI/Preface.mp3 (2093 kB, 2:12, 56.44.2)
Sound/MNI/S513N.mp3 (1080 kB, 1:06, 58.11.5-61.11.3)
Sound/MNI/S5147.mp3 (1686 kB, 1:45, 58.40.2)
Sound/MNI/S5326CT.mp3 (2565 kB, 1:04, 69.07.1)
Sound/MNI/S6217.mp3 (1237 kB, 1:20, 56.46.1)
Sound/MNI/S99.mp3 (1358 kB, 1:24, 56.40.3)
Sound/NarrowIs/NarroMCD.mp3 (1354 kB, 1:23, 59.14.4)
Sound/Saxifrax/Sax0RCD.mp3 (1701 kB, 1:46, 56.42.1-61.07.1)
Sound/Saxifrax/Sax0SCO.mp3 (2649 kB, 2:46, 56.44.6-61.07.1)
Sound/SymMusic/NchcN1ES.mp3 (894 kB, 0:54, 59.09.6)
Sound/SymMusic/WhlhW4SE.mp3 (1920 kB, 2:00, 59.09.6)
Sound/ThL/Note/Entropy.mp3 (5429 kB, 2:17, 68.39.6)
Sound/ThL/Note/Sparrow.mp3 (10853 kB, 11:33, 67.49.6)
Sound/ThL/Poem/ComP2C3.mp3 (1645 kB, 0:41, 68.46.7)
Sound/ThL/Poem/ComP4C3.mp3 (1541 kB, 0:38, 68.46.7)
Sound/ThL/Poem/CritHRCD.mp3 (1428 kB, 1:28, 58.11.5-64.07.7)
Sound/ThL/Poem/OneDay.mp3 (3827 kB, 1:38, 68.01.1)
Sound/ThL/Poem/Quiver.mp3 (3305 kB, 1:23, 69.46.4)
Sound/ThL/Poem/ThisLang.mp3 (5890 kB, 2:29, 68.22.1)
Sound/ThL/ShSt/Crusoe01.mp3 (4356 kB, 1:50, 69.07.3)
Sound/ThL/ShSt/Crusoe28.mp3 (5218 kB, 2:12, 69.07.3)
Sound/ToAnanda/ToA1RMCD.mp3 (398 kB, 0:22, 55.41.6-59.43.4)
Sound/ToAnanda/ToA1SCO.mp3 (588 kB, 0:34, 61.11.3)
Sound/ToAnanda/ToA1SMCO.mp3 (1237 kB, 1:11, 55.41.6-59.43.4) (v of same)
Sound/ToAnanda/ToA6RCD.mp3 (890 kB, 0:54, 53.32.2-59.43.7)
Sound/Whereas/WhAs0CD.mp3 (1306 kB, 1:20, 58.41.3-61.12.2)
Sound/WhlPoems/Whl3RCD.mp3 (970 kB, 0:58, -59.43.4)
Sound/WhlPoems/Whl3SMO.mp3 (1489 kB, 1:32, 61.12.3)
Sound/WhlPoems/Whl4SCO.mp3 (962 kB, 0:59, 53.32.4-59.43.4)
Sound/WhlPoems/Whl8SCO.mp3 (1886 kB, 1:57, 53.32.4-61.04.3) (copy)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/Anan1S.mp3 (4406 kB, 1:51, 67.25.1)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/Anan3R.mp3 (356 kB, 0:23, 66.22.5)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/LiuLiu2R.mp3 (246 kB, 0:16, 66.06.1)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/Shijian1.mp3 (1018 kB, 1:02, 66.20.6)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/WoBaobei.mp3 (4400 kB, 1:51, 68.02.6)
Sound/ZzY/Shige/ZzYuy1.mp3 (578 kB, 0:37, 64.03.1)
Sound/AnnouTe.wav (28 kB)
Sound/InclNuNm/NuNm01Wi.wav (452 kB, 0:20, 58.11.5)
Sound/SndRWo.wav (109 kB, 0:05)
Sound/WelcmTe.wav (33 kB)
53-80 ASWW
© stands for copyright , MVVM for Machiel
Vincent van Mechelen , ASWW for (the ordinal year)
after the Second World War